Network Infrastructure/Audiovisual Systems

Many business owners are reducing employee travel costs and minimizing environmental impact by turning to integrated audiovisual technology. Sophisticated audiovisual equipment needs to be completely integrated, scalable and easily controlled from a central kiosk of switches or computers. Visioneers’ expertise extends across sectors, including residential.

Audio Video Systems

Audio video systems are transforming the way companies sign in and monitor visitors, accept and track deliveries and create the data logs that become important parts of their security systems. Conference room scheduling, video displays and video conferences all become accessible from any device, anywhere. It’s always more cost effective to plan audio video enhancements as part of the overall network design and infrastructure buildout. 

Video Surveillance

Comprehensive video surveillance systems are helping companies comply with safety policies, protect their assets and keep their employees and customers safe. Surveillance videos can be integrated into computer networking systems and are accessible from a smartphone--anywhere in the world, any time of the day or night.

Access and Perimeter Control

Access control and intrusion detection systems have both hardware and software components. Servers connect and manage all peripheral components from access-control software--every access point in the physical environment that’s vulnerable to penetration.